Line follower

In this chapter, we program the robot to follow a line on the floor. We will make a line by putting 1/2-inch wide white gaffers tape on a black surface (a sheet of plywood painted black). You can make your own field; just make sure the line is at least half inch wide and doesn’t have sharp turns.

Before we start writing code, we need to describe the algorithm the robot will be using - first in human language, then translate it to Python.

The obvious algorithm is “start on the line; go forward until you get off the line; turn to get back on the line; repeat”.

However, this algorithm will result in very jerky movement: the robot will only start correcting its course when it gets completely off the line. Since we have a whole array of front line sensors, we can use them to detect even small deviation from the right course - when the robot is still on the line, but the line is not exactly under the center of the robot - and start correcting before we get off the line. Yozh library provides a function that allows one to determine the position of the line relative to the center of the robot: line_position_white(), which returns values ranging from -5 to 5.

To correct, we would be going forward but steering more to the left or right as needed: if the line is to the left of the robot center, we must be steering left; if the line is to the right, we must be steering right.

This leads to the following algorithm

while True:
    get the line position
    go forward steering left or right as needed to correct the position

Note that here we are continuously correcting our steering using the sensor feedback. To translate this algorithm to an actual program, we need to explain how one steers left or right. This is easy: to have the robot steer to the right, we need left motor to have more power than the right. Thus, instead of having both motors running at 50%, we could use

setMotors(50+correction, 50-correction).

It makes sense to have the parameter correction proportional to the difference between the actual line position and the desired one: the farther off we are, the more we need to turn.

This gives the following program

Kp = 9
while True:
    error = bot.line_position_white()

Double-check the sign: if error is negative (line to the left), we need to be steering left, so the left motor should have less power than the right; if error is positive, we will be steering right.

The value of the coefficient Kp=9 was chosen so that when the line is all the way to one side (error= -5), the motors will be given power 50+45=95, 50-45=5

You can test what happens if Kp=9 is replaced by another value. If the value is too large, the robot will turn very quickly even for small errors, which can lead to the robot spending most time turning left and right, with very little headway. If the value is too small, the robot will be turning very little, which can cause it to miss a sharp turn. You can experiment to find the best value.

The same idea of correcting the course using sensor feedback, with the correction proportional to the error, can be used in many other situations. Instead of following the line, we could use it to turn to face an obstacle (using front proximity sensors), or face up on an inclined surface, or many other similar situations.

The code above still has one problem. Namely, when we reach the end of the line, function line_posiiton_white() will return None, which will cause an error in the next line: you can’t use None in an arithmetic expression. Thus, we need an extra check to catch that.

A natural idea would be to replace while True by while error is not None:

Kp = 9
while bot.line_position_white() is not None:
    error = bot.line_position_white()

This, however, is not enough - do you see why?

Here is a corrected version:

Kp = 9
error = 0
while error is not None:
    error = bot.line_position_white()

As before, you also need to include the code for initialization and sensor calibration.